Nouvel article et séries sur la propriété privée et l’inégalité en Chine
This new paper by T. Piketty, L. Yang and G. Zucman, “Capital Accumulation, Private Property and Rising Inequality in China”, Working Paper 2017/06 combines
LireAppel à contribution pour la première conférence
We are organizing the First Conference, which will be hosted by the Paris School of Economics on December 14th and 15th, 2017. was
LireNouvel article et séries sur la concentration du capital au Royaume-Uni
The new series cover a long period, from 1895 to the present. The UK went from being more unequal in terms of wealth than the
LireNouvel article et séries sur la dynamique des inégalités de patrimoine en France
This new paper combines different sources and methods (income tax data, inheritance registers, national accounts, wealth surveys) in order to deliver consistent, unified wealth distribution
LireLancement de la source de référence sur les inégalités mondiales
Communiqué de presse Lancement de : la source de référence sur les inégalités mondiales Paris, 9 janvier 2017 – La World Wealth and Income
LireNouvel article et séries sur les inégalités de revenu aux USA
New series on income distribution in the United States have just been released. Highlights: Bottom 50% income share has declined from about 20% to 11%
LireDécès de Tony Atkinson
We are very sad to announce the passing on January 1st 2017 of Anthony B. Atkinson, co-founder and co-director of Anthony B. Atkinson, Tony,