How do Chinese and French preferences for redistribution differ?
What influences our perceptions of inequality and our views of fairness? What drives the difference in demand for redistribution across countries? Why do poor people
LireDans quelle mesure le fait de savoir d’où vient leur argent influence-t-il l’idée que nous nous faisons des 1 % les plus riches ?
Quelle part des revenus des riches provient du capital et quelle part du travail ? Et comment le fait de savoir cela affecte-t-il notre perception
LireHow does economic inequality change society?
How do we believe economic inequality changes society – through for example the amount of crime or the quality of democratic institutions? And do our
LireGlobal inequality of hourly income
Where do people work the most, and earn the most? Is there a link between working hours and income inequality? Anique Ahmed compares variations in
LireElections et inégalités sociales en France, 1789-2022
Le nouveau livre de Thomas Piketty et Julia Cagé, Une histoire du conflit politique, Élections et inégalités sociales en France, 1789-2022, sort le vendredi
LireRapport d’Activité 2022
Nous avons le plaisir de vous présenter notre rapport d’activité 2022. L’année 2022 a été marquée par des étapes importantes pour le World Inequality Lab,
LireThe far-right donation gap
Although the 21st century is often portrayed as the “age of philanthropy”, with an unprecedented increase in charitable giving, the proportion of the population giving
LireSpatial wage inequality in North America and Western Europe 1975-2019
In recent decades, income inequality has been on the rise in most of the world’s leading economies. To what extent do spatial inequalities – such
LireThe biological cost of the economic transition in Poland
Variation in height has two components: genetic and environmental. Genetic factors explain 70% of the variation in height. The rest of the variation is driven